
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Friday, April 07, 2006

March 2006 Newsletter

Magyar Mullets´ Newsletter 0603
Hungary, March 2006

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

Spring is finally in full swing. The spring thaw in Germany
and Austria is contributing to high water conditions along the
Danube River. It's made for even more traffic congestion
in the city of Budapest. We went to check the water
situation out on Sunday afternoon and found it still had
a meter to rise before it starts wreaking havoc.

Jacob and Kari had birthdays in March, so all of them
are teenagers now except me.

We held the second biennial Hungary Summit in Budapest
the first week of March. The time taken to reflect and report
on various ministries together resulted in praise to God.
We had several days to share together with our partner
church representatives and close friends. The Summit served to
renew some old ties, strengthened our relationships, and reminded
us of God's kind determination to connect us to better serve him.
It was a refreshing time for me.

March 20 to 27 the Kelenföld Evangelical Church participated
in ProChrist, the Europe-wide evangelistic simulcast from
Munich, Germany. I helped facilitate all eight nights at the
Olimpia Ministry Center. We picked it up live by satellite
with a ten-minute delay for translation into Hungarian and
projected it into our auditorium. While the turnout averaged
25 each night, several church members shared their own
personal stories of how they came to place their trust in
Christ alone. One man recognized his need to be forgiven
three years ago on the last night of the broadcast. I
remembered in 2003 that he didn't go into the auditorium
with his wife, but sat in the back hallway listening. We were
even debating at that time whether to cancel the last night
and close the doors. We decided if one person could hear the
gospel we should stay for it. He told our visitors how he just
sat there and listened three years ago. He realized his need
for a Savior and came to believe in God's Son with his heart
and confessed with his mouth that Jesus is Lord. He,
his wife, and two small children have attended the church
since then. He and his mom were baptized and these days
he sings with me on one of our worship leading teams. I'm
curious whom God will add from our planting and watering
this time: Perhaps the friend of mine named Laszlo
who came Sunday night. God knows.

Finally, please pray for my English discussion group that
meets Friday mornings. The English language holds an
attraction for many seeking to better themselves. It
provides occasion for us to enter lives and share the
life-giving hope of the gospel. There are numerous
classes held every week now at the Ministry Center.
There will also be two English camps held in
Kelenfold this summer-pray for our preparations.

Easter is just around the corner-praise God for the three
people who will be baptized at our church that Sunday.

Thank you for your faithful support of our labor here-we're grateful.

Richest Blessings in Christ,

Brad for all of us


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