Magyar Mullets' May 2006 update
Magyar Mullets´ Newsletter 06-05
Hungary, May 2006
Dear Family and Friends,
I know this letter is a full week behind schedule, nonetheless we send with it our love from Hungary. The month of May was anticipated to be one of the most packed months of activity for us and we were not disappointed. It started out with three days of team development and ministry planning with our Budapest City Team and ended with an annual meeting with our Slovakian partner denomination in Bratislava, and another send off for Whitney. Packed in between were small group meetings, English classes, cinnamon roll making demonstrations, school play, track meets, Bible studies, staff meetings, building maintenance, emergency visits to dentists, a Hearts at Home evening at church, residence permit document chasing for teammates, four day visit of the Trinity College Symphonic Band, evangelistic outreaches, a broken window in the van, a wedding, and a two-men-and-a-van moving event.I’ll only give details on a couple of them.
A couple days after Whitney arrived home from college, I drove her to an oral surgeon to have two teeth repositioned and her lip sewn up. We were playing catch in our front yard. I threw a softball that ricocheted off the swing set and hit her in the mouth. It broke the bone above her top teeth and pushed two of them into her mouth. She had to have stitches inside and out and has to wear a plastic mouthpiece. It’s already been three weeks since the accident and we’re praying she’ll heal up without complications. She had a great attitude about the whole thing and only regretted not having a picture taken of it to share with everyone.
Thank you for praying for the scheduled processes of obtaining and renewing residence permits for my teammates. The Humphry family was granted two year permits and the whole process went quite smoothly. My own family will need to apply in July—we don’t take for granted the will of God in the decisions of those He has placed in authority over us. We believe God continues to guide us, provide for us, and empower us in the work He has for us in Hungary.
We’re thankful for the four days that the Symphonic Band from Trinity College was in Budapest: they put on a concert in downtown Diosd, repainted heavy use areas in the Olimpia, assisted in a Saturday gospel proclamation in the market, pulled out old carpet from three rooms, and performed with excellence unto the Lord in our Sunday worship service. The Thursday night concert in Diosd was a city sponsored event and served to evidence a Christian witness for the International Christian School in the community. New Testaments (living translation) were purchased and offered as gifts after the concerts in Diosd and Kelenfold. In all, 120 Bibles were given to residents who requested them. A Hungarian friend from Diosd made goulash for the whole church and band to enjoy Sunday after the service. In a letter like this these events seem to read as sterile and routine.
In reality, every occasion here seems to come with the unexpected. After unloading the van at the concert in Diosd, I returned ten minutes later to find the side window broken out—the same van scheduled to be used for a wedding that weekend. It got a galvanized flashing filler until it could be replaced. For the Sunday potluck at church, the stove top was not up to the task of bringing to boil 20 gallons of goulash, so we had to take drastic measures and heat it with a propane weed burner outside. I’m thankful for the talents of our whole team in undertaking the good works God has planned for us.
I was encouraged to read one morning that the favor of the Lord lasts a lifetime. Problems arise that threaten to unnerve us, but everyday I’m reminded of God’s favor: “weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30)
Thank you for praying for us and supporting us so faithfully!
Richest Blessings,
Brad, for all of us
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Contributions:EFCAIM, 901 East 78th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300
(Note on the contribution, "For the account of Brad Mullet, #1425.")
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