
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Magyar Mullets February 07 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,
Warm greetings from St. Louis, Missouri! I was here for a week, so let me start from the beginning of March and work back to the beginning of February. We were blessed to be in the company of many of our partner churches who gathered for the annual Hungary Summit at Calvary Church last weekend. Whitney, our eldest, came up from College of the Ozarks to St. Louis and we spent a busy ministry weekend together. We attended Grace Community Chapel in St. Peters together on Sunday and she left that evening.
At the Summit: God blessed our hearts as we recounted together all that we’ve seen God accomplish in Hungary, in our churches, and in each of our lives. I was honored that John Secrest and Janos Ujvary were among the more than 50 representatives there: they are two men that God used to start it all and to get us involved in church planting in Hungary. Gratitude just welled up in my heart to God for his grace, mercy, and loving kindness to reconnect us after four years—it felt like a big family reunion to me.
February was a short, but well-packed month in ministry. We continue to reach out to Hungarians: hosting weekly English classes and a Valentines party for building relationships and sharing Christ, praying through neighborhoods and meeting with church planters to prayerfully launch new works, and planning, preparing, and setting up for teams to renovate the lobby and build office space in the Ministry Center. It is evident to us that God is at work, because those who believe in him are about His work and He is about a mighty work in Budapest. I sense his pleasure with every additional ministry in collaboration with another to see churches multiplied. More and more followers of Jesus are being brought together and are deliberately working together to accomplish more than they can alone. We’re gaining momentum.
On the family front, it was Bible studies, bookwork, taxes, schoolwork, and basketball that occupied many an evening. Kari had to get our taxes done, so she could do the FAFSA, as Kelsey graduates this year. Praise God she’s been accepted to College of the Ozarks. It is a huge relief that Whitney and Kelsey can be together, and near friends and family. The basketball seasons wrapped up with Kelsey’s team winning their tournament last weekend, and Peter’s team took second in the boy’s tournament. Jacob played Middle School ball; I’m very proud of all of them.
We’ll return from Hungary for our home assignment from June 12th to August 25th. We’re prayerfully putting together our schedule for that time as we decide when we’ll be where. We’ll have an accurate understanding of our support needs after the first quarter of 2007, at which time we’ll let you know where we stand as we head into another term. God bless you all for your faithful prayer and financial investment in His work through us—He will bring a return.
Richly in Christ,
Brad—for the family


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