
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Magyar Mullets August 2007 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,
Praise God for his provision:
§ we’ve completed our home-assignment,
§ we’re fully supported, and
§ we returned to Hungary August 26th.

We are grateful to God for all of you to whom He has entrusted a stake in His work in Hungary with us. We have completed ten weeks of home assignment, 10,000 miles of driving, and have seen almost $10,000 dollars come in for our one-time support. We’re trusting God to provide for those of you who pledged to start supporting us monthly in September. Thank you for faithfully praying for us; thank you for generously supporting us financially.
August has been an incredible month: Both Peter and Jacob worked their first official jobs this summer. Jacob worked for the Colemans at McDonalds and we collected Peter from his roofing job with the Weddle boys in Kansas—thank you for giving them such great opportunities.
On a drive through Kansas City, we managed to find the house of the lady who taught me in Sunday School some 35 years ago. It was wonderful to share in person with her how God had used her to plant the missionary seed in my heart so many years ago. I am overwhelmed with God’s kindness in putting people in my life who have influenced me so greatly. Then a week later, God provided the occasion for me to attend, along with my professor, Dr. Courtney Furman, a reunion with one of his professors, Dr. Will Norton, in Tahlequah, OK. It so blessed me to listen to these godly servants still going strong for the Lord in their 8th and 10th decades of life respectively, both with sharp minds, recollecting how God afforded them countless ministry roles, years in service to Him, and testimonies to His grace. What an incredible legacy to follow.
Finally, as I wrote in last month’s letter, we left Whitney and Kelsey at College of the Ozarks, and we drove the long leg of the

trip back to Phoenix. We’ve had ample time to visit supporters here, check our financial support numbers, gather our wits, do some last minute shopping, and pack our bags. Tomorrow night we fly back to Budapest and begin our ninth year of ministry. It is with grateful hearts to God, knowing your prayers are with us, that we return to the work to which He has appointed us.
Even as you have loved us and shown us great hospitality this summer, we ask God’s richest blessings on your lives.
Grace be with you,
Brad, for all of us


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