
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Magyar Mullets April 2008 Newsletter

O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. Psalm 104:24 kjv
Dear Friends and Family,
April was a well filled month of wonderful events. On the first, I was in the city of Győr for an evening with friends helping out with an English Alpha course. We may want to use it in September at our church plant. In addition to the usual church elder, city team staff, small group, and prayer meetings, there were several other happy occasions:

The pastor of Joy Church, Joseph Mok, came to visit Loretta Ho—a missionary with us from Hong Kong. We enjoyed hosting him in our home and getting to hear first hand how God is working among several churches in Hong Kong to place missionaries with ReachGlobal city teams in Europe. The Free Church in China was started over 100 years ago by the EFCA, and we’re looking at reuniting the two denominations in a cooperative missionary effort in Europe. It started here in Budapest with Loretta on our team.

In the middle of April, the Hungarian Evangelical Church hosted its 4th annual Good Shepherd Conference. Men from all four churches attended: Veszprem, Zsambok, Toalmas, and Kelenfold. It was held at the lovely Calvary Chapel Bible School Campus in Vajta, Hungary in the restored Vichy Mansion. We were encouraged by great teaching from Andras Szalai of the Apologetics Center for Research. One afternoon, we had a three team soccer tournament—the team I was on placed third. I haven’t played soccer since 7th grade. The other guys haven’t played anything BUT soccer since preschool. Peter thought the best thing all weekend was the open tab at the coffee house—they had Dr. Pepper and specialty coffees.

We were delighted to have Sam Rotman, renowned concert pianist, give a concert in the Ministry Center one evening. I was pleased to see 73 people turn out—most of them from our English clubs. Sam gave an amazing concert for an hour. He shared his life story of how Jesus Christ had changed him from the inside out. He thrilled them by playing a crowd pleasing favorite by the Hungarian composer Béla Bartok. It was amazing! His story provided much for discussion in our English clubs.

Kari is looking forward to the Europe Area Ladies conference this month in Portugal. Our small group has been asked by the housing association in T-hegy to help plan and man the Children’s Day celebration in their neighborhood the end of May. We’re excited for the growing trust they have in us and for the opportunities these kinds of things afford us in church planting endeavors. I would appreciate your prayers for me as I preach the first and last Sunday in May. We have an outdoor service on Gellert hill on Pentecost Sunday and a baptismal service the next Sunday. The boys wrap up school in a month. The girls come back in a month, and we’ll all take long anticipated vacation together. Persevering Prayer item: Our lawyer is making an appointment with the XI district local government official concerning the property tax issue on our ministry center. Please pray for me: peace in my heart, courage in the Lord, and diligence in my duties as president of the foundation that owns the ministry center. These things have weighed heavily on me in recent weeks.

Blessed in Christ,Brad, for all of us


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