
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Magyar Mullets December 2007 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Mullet family in Hungary! Thank you for the cards, letters, pictures, and gifts. It’s so enjoyable to read your cards and letters over a cup of coffee on a cold winter day. It warms our hearts to reflect on God’s favor in affording us relationships with you, to remember you during the holidays, and to give thanks for you.
The month of December, though exhausting, was expended to many good purposes. I came across a verse in the Bible recently that greatly encouraged me and I pray for my team: I pray that God may count us worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of ours and every act prompted by our faith. (2 Thes. 1:11) We were certainly prompted by faith in Christ to undertake what we did. I came away wanting even more time to expend in the celebration of Christ come to earth. The occasion of Christmas is a gold mine for ministers of the gospel. My English language discussion group read the Christmas story and we discussed the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the Savior of the world. They requested another class meeting before the semester break, so we met again and continued the discussion. Pray for them to believe in the Christ of Christmas.
We also helped with a Christmas Charity collection and sale that came about quite unexpectedly in answer to prayer. A team with which we’re laboring to see a church plant come into existence in one location collaborated on an outreach project that God abundantly blessed. We invited the people we met as a result of the charity effort to come to a special neighborhood Christmas celebration the following weekend. We were able to introduce ourselves to many neighbors with whom we’d have otherwise never met. Over 40 came this year, as opposed to zero last year. Pray that God would fulfill every good purpose of ours prompted by our faith in Him.

An early Christmas gift arrived in the form of a temporary residence permit for a teammate of ours from the Evangelical Free Church in China, Hong Kong. She arrived in Budapest to serve the Chinese churches in the city and to reach the unreached Chinese population in Budapest. Her 90 day tourist visa was due to expire December 24th at which time she would have had to leave Hungary. Instead, God granted her favor in the eyes of the immigration officials and she will receive a residence permit through the end of her term in August. Her participation with our team is an act prompted by the faith of her church in Hong Kong, the Hungarian Evangelical Church, and the Evangelical Free Churches of America.
Finally, we enjoyed having family here to experience ministry with us over the holidays and we’re so grateful for the times we shared this holiday season. Please pray for increased faith and power for us to serve Christ in Hungary. Don’t forget to buy your plane tickets to the Hungary Summit this year March 6-8 to be held in Budapest at the Kelenföld Ministry Center. You don’t want to miss it.
Love in Christ,
Brad, for all of us.


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