
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Magyar Mullets November 2007 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for participating in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in Hungary, by His Spirit, with our family. We had wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations in November: one with our team and friends in Budapest, and one with a church in the city of Szeged on a Saturday night. I was asked to speak on the history of the holiday at an event the church used for evangelistic outreach in their city. The Olson family sang a couple traditional numbers in English and then stayed overnight to encourage the believers and to get to know them better.

The Budapest City Team had a short getaway in early November to catch up with one another and to revisit our goals and dreams for the future. The Humphrys, Orsi, and Olsons were here all summer, but Kari and I returned the end of August and the Lemmons didn’t return till late October. With our diverse responsibilities and varied schedules, it can be challenging to communicate, so it was good to pause and reconnect. Please pray for our unity as a team of laborers in an ever ripening harvest field.

Several opportunities are wide open before us:
§ an urban renewal development surrounding our property that will draw more people to our district,
§ multiple ministry organizations and their collective ministries under the roof of the Kelenföld Ministry Center,
§ an expanding house group ministry within the church, and
§ an increasing number of like-minded churches in Hungary inclined to work together—an answer to our prayer and the prayers of many others ten years ago.
Please pray that God would send more laborers into His harvest field.

On the family: Kari made a cream cheese cake for us to celebrate Peter’s 17th birthday this month. We missed being with Kelsey for her birthday, but technology afforded us a web posting that she could read 30 seconds later. It just wasn’t the same as being together, so we’re really looking forward to having them home for Christmas, as well as Kari’s sister and her family. In the meantime, the boys are busy with school and activities. Peter is playing varsity basketball and I’m helping coach Jacob on the junior varsity team. Kari and I are both involved in various facets of the ministry center operation: she in finances and I in everything else.
Most recently a Wycliffe Bible Translators Hungary board meeting took place in one of the new conference rooms: It afforded us the occasion to meet them, to pray together, and to hear what God is doing in the hearts of church leaders across Hungary. We are thankful to be in the position to serve and to bless other ministries by virtue of being the stewards of this ministry center. Your involvement with us reaches far beyond our own capacities, because we’re determined to lock arms with other believers to see biblical churches established throughout Hungary using everything the Lord would put at our disposal. Pray we be found faithful with what God has entrusted to us, and thankful for His provision.
Finally, we invite you to attend the Hungary Summit, March 6-8, right here in Budapest. We’re planning a wonderful time of celebration for what God has done since we first started praying in 1997. We asked God to send out laborers. We asked him to appoint churches to His work in this country. His works are amazing. Let’s inquire of Him again, concerning the next ten years.

With gratitude,
Brad, for all of us.


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