
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Magyar Mullets' July 2008 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,
Blessings to you all in Christ! July was a full month of labor unto the Lord. We were greatly blessed to labor alongside a team from Grace Community Chapel in Missouri, who supplied the teachers for our kids’ English camp. A sibling servant, Phil Harner, from Faith EFC in Kansas helped with both the kids’ and teens’ camps. During the last two weeks of July we hosted a 15-person construction team from Fullerton, California. At the same time the teen ESL camp was well staffed by teachers from Canada, England, the US, and Hungary. While the work kept us running from dawn to dusk, it was amazing to see what the Lord accomplished through hearts and hands given wholly to His purposes. The teen camp used the upstairs classrooms and lobby while the construction team started the makeover on the coffeehouse and the auditorium. I can’t imagine the difficulties we would face in these ministry endeavors without having such a great facility at our disposal. The Fullerton team also tackled other mission projects—building offices on the ground floor of the Europe Training Center, constructing a new driveway, and fixing up one of the mission houses. I’m hoping to put the Europe Training Center to greater use this fall using the Alpha Course for a church plant in that neighborhood. Thank you for supporting us and for helping us maintain facilities to share with other ministries in the advancement of the gospel in Hungary.

While we’ll be hard pressed to have everything back together in time for fall ministries, I’m confident the Lord will provide the means and the labor to make it happen. We have Isaiah and Nicole Skinner from Dubuque, Iowa, with us for a month while they’re exploring missions as a ministry and generally pitching in everywhere. Mark and Jodi Revell just arrived from First EFC, Springfield, Missouri, for a one-week visit. (First EFC tries to send a pastoral staff member once a year to one of the fields where one of their own is serving as a missionary.) They
will probably be doing a lot of praying, painting, and cleaning with us. The teachers who serve at the International Christian School are also arriving back for a new school year. There’s another church moving forward with joining the Hungarian Evangelical Church this fall. It just seems the Lord’s favor is upon us. We are occupied with gladness of heart and remain in awe of God’s work in the hearts of people.

On the family front, Whitney became engaged to Clint Teders a couple of weeks ago and they’re talking about getting married next summer while we’re back for home assignment. Kelsey is working at the Keeter Center at College of the Ozarks and loving it. Peter is working in Seattle and staying with a friend’s family. (We don’t hear too much from him.) Last week Kari, Jacob, and I got our new residence permits valid for a year. I’m so glad to be in Hungary this month for the Red Bull Air Races down on the Danube in front of the Parliament building.

Please pray for us that we will wisely navigate the challenges of working with multiple ministry venues:

As we lead a diverse team of missionaries, each needing to raise additional support to cover the effects of the exchange rate and increased operating costs.
As we share the ministry center with more and more ministries, fulfilling our desire to lock arms with more believers in Budapest and to plant new churches.
We have never been more grateful to God for His provision through you which permits us to continue serving Him in Hungary. Keep the faith—God still moves in hearts.

Brad for all of us


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