Magyar Mullets August 2008 Newsletter
Dear Family and Friends,
We took our vacation in June, so we could be on hand in August. Many times it felt like we were working shifts and the days just flew by. Here are some of the highlights:
I was privileged to preach two Sundays at the Kelenfold church working through the book of Mark, and set up for the baptism of two believers.
A good number of days were spent with others tying up loose ends at three construction sites: gathering tools, moving debris, cleaning, painting, staining, wiring, and setting up for Fall ministries.
Throughout the month Kari and I were in various ministry development meetings in the evenings with other missionaries, church members, ministry leaders, and hosted guests.
Some of us met with an engineer and architects a couple times concerning next steps and possibilities with the ministry center.
I got to help man a table one Saturday for the Hungarian Evangelical Church at an international meeting of evangelicals down near Lake Balaton. It was a spectacular event that opened my eyes to the incredible work God is doing through Hungarians across historic denominational lines.
The month wrapped up with an all day training in the Alpha course, an evangelistic outreach in the park behind the ministry center with another church, and a wonderful worship service the last day of the month with most everyone having returned from vacation.
One highlight for me was meeting a couple gypsies digging through a dumpster. I was putting debris in and they were taking it out--it's the way relationships start here sometimes. In subsequent days we talked on the phone and I asked them to help me de-clutter some rooms at the ministry center. Their motive to help was steel, aluminum, and wood. My motive was to sow the seed of the gospel in their lives. The church gave them ten dish pack boxes full of clothes. They hauled away the rest of the theater seats, scrap iron, furniture and debris. Pray with me for God to change the soil of their hearts that the seed would grow in them: One guy has God on his mind--his name is Geza. The other guy didn't talk--just listened, and his name is Jimmy.
Many blessings in laboring unto the Lord.
Love, Brad--for all of us
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