Magyar Mullets February 2009 newsletter
Dear Family and Friends,
The month of February came and went in a flash. What a great month to be alive! We got an upgraded electrical service to our house, so now the dryer and the oven can be on at the same time. We had visitors every night this month but four. It felt like an upgraded energy service to our ministries as well: a couple guys from Springfield came to shoot video and capture the stories of what God is doing in Hungary to share with churches at our partnership Summit in March.
Then we enjoyed the company of three more guests: Allyn, and Eric and Liz Weddle. With them, we enjoyed some great times with Géza, at Alpha Course, and helping with various ministry center projects and programs. Once again the Rhinos stormed out of the frozen north woods of Wisconsin and proved themselves worthy of the name Rhino team: they only see what’s in front of them, they’re hard to stop once started, and they’re capable of incredible amounts of damage. They made a huge dent in the cleanout of the building preceding the handover to the contractor for the big renovation from March 20 to June 20. I stopped counting after they’d hauled 20 cubic meters of debris from the inner recesses under the ministry center to the parking lot and a dumpster outside. We’re grateful to God that He moves in the hearts of His people to accomplish His purposes and we greatly benefit from laboring together. We caught the changing of the guard at the Presidential Residence in the Castle District during a brief tour—I’d never seen it before now. We also shared time praying over the city and proclaiming God’s wondrous works in Hungary.
The International Christian School held its annual basketball tournament this past month. It was a big undertaking on many fronts. Our boys enjoyed playing teams from Kiev, Salzburg, and Budapest.
My mom was here to see her grandsons play. We’re thankful that she could come to stay with them while Kari and I attend the missions weekend at The Orchard EFC in Chicago the first weekend in March and the Hungary Summit in Springfield, MO the second weekend. We covet your prayers for us to clearly proclaim the Lord’s works at these two events to the praise of His glory. Thank you for your partnership with us.
Love in Christ,
Brad, for all of us.
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