Magyar Mullets September 2008 Newsletter
Dear Family and Friends, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m delighted to report that God is at work and worthy of all glory for accomplishing it. This is how He’s kindly involved us: We wrapped up the coffee house makeover just in time for the fall launch of Youth at the Threshold of Life and the wedding reception of a young couple in our church. We received invaluable help from a team of three who came from Crystal Lake EFC to push along the painting in both the auditorium and coffee house. Had our sprayer not kicked the bucket, they would have finished the big room. As it was, we redirected our remaining time and energy to the coffee house. Thank you to the churches who gave on short notice toward their materials and expenses. They greatly encouraged us in the four days they spent serving among us. Our ministry colleagues have expressed their gratitude as well.
Kari and I were greatly blessed to attend my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary celebration for a week on the island of Kauai. It was really incredible. They picked up the tab for all of their children and spouses to attend. Not hard to imagine that guests outnumbered the regular members at Amazing Grace Baptist Church the Sunday we were there! We had a wonderful time of fellowship together while sharing meals, snorkeling, surfing, shopping, touring, drinking coffee, eating cookies, playing bingo, and getting sun. It was an unforgettable time together enjoying the favor of the Lord. We had a chance to see Kari’s folks briefly in Tucson and then found ourselves back in Hungary—Jacob, Peter, and the dog survived our absence under the care of a youth intern from Faith EFC in Kansas. Jet lag was not all bad. I found myself wide awake at 1:00 am the first night back. I spent a lot of time praying and reading the Bible. I slept in till 1:30 am the next night. I prayed and started working on a sermon three weeks away. That trend continued—I told my English discussion group my woes the third day and they asked me why I didn’t make cinnamon rolls for them. A week later I was sleeping till 5:00 am, so I still had ample time to make rolls for them. I have a couple of new students this year, and we’ve changed the format slightly to make time for discussion of the devotional twice a month. Pray for them to receive the gift of salvation.
We ask your prayer for us in the preparation of an Alpha course this winter. Our small group has disbanded as one couple has been sent off to take part in another church plant. The rest of us are giving our efforts to an Alpha course in Tükörhegy. Kari and I have a conference in mid-October with other city team leaders and then a church planting institute event. We recognize that God has appointed each of us to a role in His harvest field—thank you for laboring with us.
May God be glorified,
Brad, for the Mullets
Annual Hungary Summit
Mark your calendars! March 13 and 14, 2009, this year hosted by First EFC, Springfield, MO. You just have to be there! All are invited to attend. More details to come!
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