Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for your prayers and financial support by which the Lord sustains us. Another April has come and gone and we’ve witnessed the Lord do mighty things. We enjoyed: Wonderful Good Friday and Easter services with believers at KEGY. An Easter celebration evening with all of our English club students and their families. A Pakistani gospel outreach concert. The regularly scheduled gatherings like the Bible School once a month on Saturdays. God is adding to our number.
We had several weekends of back-to-
back ministry events in the Ministry Center. One young couple became members of the church and the same Sunday served
on the worship team (far right). KEGY now has two worship-leading teams with seven active members on each. We finished our first Alpha course in Tükörhegy and started another. A new believer is helping with a discussion group. I’ve been working on the Ministry Center just about every waking hour and finding great satisfaction in the work. I’m thankful for the occasions to interact with a diverse crowd during these renovations. Kari has been putting in many days at the office writing a Financial Procedures Manual with the help of Rich Stienstra from the Orchard EFC in Arlington Heights, Illinois. And he thought he might not find enough to do while visiting his granddaughter Lianna (and daughter/son-in-law Trisha and Bjorn Olsen, teachers at ICSB). Kari is grateful for the help in getting things ready to hand to someone while we’re away. Please pray that someone will be found to handle the foundation and field finances while we’re on our six-month home assignment. Also pray for the lucky soul who will fill in for me—that he’ll be able to give it up when I get back!
Peter sang in his last high school concert this last week and had a great tenor solo from Phantom of the Opera. He really enjoys leading music and singing with the school choirs. One of the piano players at church has become especially appreciative of Peter’s calm, capable leading on guitar. He’ll be missed after he graduates and leaves Hungary in June. May the Lord continue to sustain you in your obedience to His calling on your lives.
Peace to all of you who are in Christ,
Brad, for all of us.
I read your blog and always enjoy to hear what has been going. It is a good idea to put it on facebook too, that way people find out quickly when you put up a new post. Please come over before you go back to the US!
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