
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Magyar Mullets June 2009 Prayer Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you for your unselfish dedication to our welfare in Christ. We have arrived safely back in the USA. The month of June was a mad dash to wrap up our responsibilities, hand them off, and prepare for our six-month home-assignment. Kari and the boys left the middle of June just after Peter graduated. I stayed in Hungary through the end of June to see as much of the renovations finished as possible. Kelsey stayed to cook and clean up after me while things were really hectic. Her boyfriend Eli (first time in Europe), Peter, and Jacob were a big help with all the grunt work at the Ministry Center, shown here prepping for the new coffee house terrace. I was living a dream getting to work with and around so many Hungarian contractors. I was hearing new vocabulary almost every day. Construction workers use similar words the world over—not necessarily profitable for missionaries to learn. I shared my story of life in Christ with many of them and how I came to live in Hungary. We got to help two workers celebrate their birthdays in June. A highlight for the month was when we had our Alpha Course celebration. I had invited a bunch of the workers to come to the grill party. I didn’t really expect anyone to get off work, get cleaned up, and find the meeting place out in another town but, to my surprise, all six of the pipe fitters showed up. They enjoyed the meal, sat through the 45-minute video introduction to Christianity, and stayed for the discussion after dessert. We had already become acquainted down at the Ministry Center, but there was a noticeable new affinity with them at work. I told them they had to wait until our planned return in January 2010 before they could participate in an Alpha Course. I also told them the heating had better be working by then! While I was buried in renovation responsibilities in one half of the building, the kids’ English camp was going on in the other half. I was amazed and thankful for the team from Grace Community Chapel that pulled that off in restricted space without ventilation. Needless to say, the renovations weren’t completed in time for camp and all the old air-moving equipment had been disabled. Unfortunately, the delay has necessitated my return to Hungary after Whitney’s wedding for the final inspection and hand-over. There will still be a slew of work left to do and oversee before Danube International Church begins renting space in mid-August. It will be a busy three weeks! During my absence in July, Zoli Szolnoki, an eager evangelist and engineer, stepped in to cover for me with all the contractors. He is a winsome character and quickly developed a good rapport with them. God’s work never lacks His provision in power, personnel, time, or materials. Please inquire of the Lord with me concerning those items, and pray that my mind and heart would find rest in Him and His work. Praise God that we’re all back in the USA and preparing for Whitney’s wedding. Please pray for our continued good health and stamina in the coming weeks.

In the area of our own financial needs the Lord has graciously provided two teachers to cover a portion of our rent in Hungary while we’re gone, AND He has also provided a wonderful basement in Springfield we can use as our base during our home assignment. Due to a number of economic factors we have experienced a shortage of $1,500 in regular monthly support over the last year which has been made up from our reserve account, so we must reimburse the reserve account as well before we return to Hungary. We don’t take for granted that without churches, family, and friends to let us go, and to help us go, we would not be able to go. We’re grateful to the Lord for your obedience in sending us to expend ourselves for the sake of the gospel. One-time donations are especially needed in the next six months as we travel to visit you and give an account of God’s work in Hungary to the praise of His glory.

In the area of financial needs for our field, there are several anticipated needs in the immediate future for which you could inquire of the Lord with us:

1) An automated HVAC fresh air ventilation system for the lobby (the unfunded half of the building).

2) Winterized outside walls for the new 36-meter coffeehouse terrace.

3) Furnishings for the terrace.

I’m still a little overwhelmed by the sheer scope of the projects still underway. Pray that no believers would get crosswise with one another as the Ministry Center comes under increased use with things not perfect for everyone. Pray for the love of Christ to prevail in the hearts of men. It’s really killing me not to be in Hungary during this crucial ministry transition period, but it’s even more important to marry Whitney off, position our family well, report to churches and individuals, and raise support for what may be another ten years in Hungary. If it is the Lord’s will, we will do this.

Richly in Christ,

Brad, for the Mullets now in Missouri, but hoping to see you this fall


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