
This is the blog of Brad and Kari Mullet. It serves to keep our partners in the gospel informed of our activities.

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Location: Barrington, Illinois, United States

Brad: I grew up in a Christian family. My oldest brother shared with me the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. I placed my trust in Him when I was five years old. I'm presently working alongside the Hungarian Evangelical Church in Budapest. Kari: I placed my trust in Jesus Christ for salvation when I heard the gospel at the age of 14 at a Young Life camp.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Magyar Mullets August 2009 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family, We send our heartfelt thanks and greetings to each of you. This past month I experienced again why two are better than one: We had a good return for our labor (Ecc4:9). In late July, I went back to Hungary. Instead of signing papers and doing a final inspection on the works in the ministry center as I expected, I found myself in the crucible of unfinished construction projects and converging deadlines from all directions. I had only three weeks to expend myself and too much to do in that time. The Lord sent help in August and provided relief in mysterious ways. The coffeehouse terrace, a space sorely needed for fall ministry events, was nicely enclosed by eager laborers from everywhere. We creatively used materials we had on hand and the Lord supplied everything we lacked. Allyn Weddle came from Manhattan, KS for a week and my boss from Prague pitched in a couple days. Phillip and Jonathan, also from KS, stayed after the English camp and threw their lot in with ours. Of course, Géza didn’t miss out. A couple Hungarians came late one night to finish the welding and we shared Pizza Hut together. Some more friends volunteered to finish things up after I had to fly back. Another relief came when the Danube Church leadership proposed to postpone their move into the ministry center until after I return in January. This was an added blessing in that the general contractor and developer could still be at their pace to finish the works and I wouldn’t miss out on all the cooperation between two churches and ministry entities this fall. I believe God is positioning His own for an undertaking in this city far beyond what we can imagine.
As for things on this side of the ocean: Kari got to attend her 30th high school reunion and visit her sister in Colorado. Jacob got settled into high school with his cousin in Arizona and is enjoying basketball. Our older three have started classes at College of the Ozarks and things are going well for them. Kari and I have already enjoyed time in some of our supporting churches and are still finalizing our schedule for this fall. I’m so grateful for your invitations to have me speak. We especially loved an all sing service in English last Sunday night at a little Baptist church north of Springfield. It’s heartwarming to recall the Lord’s kindness to us and the relationships he’s afforded us these last ten years. Thank you for praying for us and hosting us.
How can we express our gratitude to God for providing through you? We are gradually gaining our needed support through your obedience and generosity. Thank you for giving. The Lord has opened the doors for us to visit some new churches while we’re back on home assignment. Would that He appoint them to the work there with us or send others to join us. Please pray for us as we give an account of our labor in Hungary. We need your continued prayer and financial support to return to the work there the end of December. We lack approximately $1000 a month at this time.
Just to be clear: We would be privileged to share about God’s amazing work in Hungary with you or your church whether you can support us or not. His deeds are worthy to recount and He is worthy of praise. We’ll do our best to fit you in. In His Service, Brad, for all of us


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